QuickBooks Bookkeeping- The Book!

quick1Hey- I wrote a book! I always wanted to write one and now I have.

Of course, I used to think if I wrote a book it would be a cool fiction book that would be read by millions. That hasn’t happened yet.

But that’s OK- the book I did write is still great- if you need help with your bookkeeping. And you use QuickBooks.

You can find it here on Amazon, and for the next couple days at least, it’s free (until 3/20/2015). After that, I’m not sure- it may be just $.99 (some call that the new free). Or maybe a buck or two more.

I’m hoping it will provide me with some leads for the business as well as great information for whoever reads it so the price is driven by more than just wanting to earn income from royalties. In fact, I would say royalties are the least of my ambitions with this book.

If you do get it and enjoy it, I would definitely appreciate a review on Amazon. If you don’t like it, I’d prefer you email me direct!! šŸ™‚

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