3 Words Every Owner Should Use That Will Massively Improve Your Business

3 Words Every Owner Should Use That Will Massively Improve Your Business

Company culture is a term you hear thrown around a lot but usually in reference to larger businesses. The reality is though that every business has a culture even if there is only one person there. The culture is generally determined by the owner because they determine what the business is, how it operates, who…

How to Immediately Boost Profits (and What It Means If You Can’t)

How to Immediately Boost Profits (and What It Means If You Can’t)

Nearly every small business launch I’ve ever seen, including most of the ones I’ve started(!), have made competing on price at least part of their pitch. It makes sense. When you have a brand new business, you’re essentially saying to your potential customer, I know I have no history, experience, reputation, reviews, or references to…