Can AI Help You Make 10K/Month Even If You’re Still in High School?

There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this new series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!

CapForge Founder and Owner Matt Remuzzi reacts to the idea that someone could make 10K with AI.

Video Transcript: 

Business Advice Video: 

Here’s a business model you can steal from me to make over $10,000 a month in 2024. I use this exact business model to generate me over five figures a month as a kid in high school. So make sure to save this video. All you have to do is automate other businesses with AI and it’s more simple than you might think. Step 1 go to bot press or voice flow and learn how to create quality chatbots. Your main selling point on this should be how they can generate leads and automate customer service. Step 2 go to LinkedIn and search for CEOs who own a product or service-based business. You can call DM them on LinkedIn or Instagram. Use Callandly to get the CEO to respond on a call. You can easily learn to sell on YouTube. Once they respond charge them a monthly fee to deploy on their website depending on how big your client is and how good the tripod is. You can charge anywhere from 1k to 5k a month. Now you have a business that you can easily scale the $10,000 a month. If you want the complete rundown on how I make 10K a month as a kid in high school comment the word 10K on this video and I’ll send it to you for free.


Okay, well kudos for, you know, being in high school and wanting to run your own business or running your own business, I guess. Hopefully, you’re actually doing this not just telling other people about it. The challenge here, I mean, doesn’t the business is just offering AI chatbots to businesses with an online presence that don’t currently have a chatbot. I don’t know how much success you’re gonna have cold dming people in Instagram and LinkedIn with something that’s it doesn’t happen a lot of specifics. If you could figure out which businesses will benefit the most, he said DM CEOs of product or service businesses. What other kinds of businesses are there, you don’t sell product or service? But anyway aside from that note, if you can figure out a specific category of business that would benefit from chatbots in a way that you could demonstrate real value, like maybe it’s doctor’s offices with patients that wanna be able to make an appointment easily or something. Actually there’s probably a lot of issues with doctor’s offices and HIPAA compliance. So you know, maybe it’s oil change places or something. Maybe there’s a way to add a chatbot to that that would help people make appointments or something. I would go with one or two categories where you can really learn the pain points. Learn the value of setting something like this up, show them the lead generation value, and then you know, how to price it. But a random business isn’t gonna pay you one to five thousand dollars just to put an AI chatbot on their website without knowing what that’s gonna bring them, right? Everybody’s question is gonna be what’s in it for me, how much is this worth to me, why would I just pay you that much money every month for something that I have no idea if it’s even help the business or not? So it’s an idea but it’s a very unskatched out, very vague, idea that you really have to put a lot of work into to turn into something that would actually work and make you $10,000 a month or more.

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