How Should You Prepare Your Business for a Recession?

Matt goes over an article titled “4 Things You Should Do to Protect Your Business During a Recession.” While Matt agrees with these four things, he also has a different take. Make sure to watch this to help not just prepare for a recession but grow your business in general.  There are tons of people…

Business for Sale, Would I Buy It? | Pest Control Franchise

Business for Sale, Would I Buy It? | Pest Control Franchise

In today’s version of “Would I Buy This Business”, we have a pest control franchisor. Oh, franchisor. Okay. 805k SDE, 1,000,000+ recurring revenue, high growth. So a franchisor, if they use the right word and hopefully they did, is the company that sets up a franchisee. So they’re the parent company. They tell you how…

Plant Mate | Expensive Solution for a Straightfoward Problem?

Plant Mate | Expensive Solution for a Straightfoward Problem?

We have another product review where Matt watches a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign. This startup that he’s looking at is a product that is supposed to help with your indoor plants when you go on vacation. Watch to see If he thinks this is a serious problem that needs fixing. CapForge has worked with 1000+…