A business owner asking a bookkeeper a series of questions and writing down the answers.

Eye-Opening Questions Every Business Owner Should Ask Their Bookkeeper

  Did you know your bookkeeper can be one of your greatest assets when it comes to growing your business?  And yet, so many business owners underutilize their bookkeeper because they view bookkeeping as a means to filing taxes. But it’s time to change that perception once and for all, because as we’re about to…

A businesswoman on the phone inquiring about professional bookkeeping services.

Why Every Company is Looking for Professional Bookkeeping Services

Having worked with numerous business owners in various industries across the globe, we can tell you exactly why every company is looking for professional bookkeeping services.  Simply put: because doing your own bookkeeping is a pain in the you-know-what. And there’s scientific evidence to prove it! A TD Bank survey of more than 500 small…

A photo of Amazon virtual assistants wearing headsets.

How a Virtual Assistant Can Help You Grow Your Amazon Business

  In the early stages of starting an Amazon business, most sellers do everything on their own, from listing creation to customer service. And that’s perfectly fine when you’re just starting out or if you’re running a small operation. But if you want to scale, doing everything on your own simply isn’t feasible. That’s because…

A desk with various accounting materials piled on top, including a calculator, a financial spreadsheet, and a book about income tax.

34 Accounting Terms Every Entrepreneur Must Know

  If accounting makes your head spin, you’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs feel this way—and rightfully so! It’s a complicated field, after all. But don’t worry, in this article, you won’t actually be doing any math (whew!). Instead, we’ll teach you some basic accounting terms you need to know in order to talk shop with…

An image of a struggling entrepreneur pushing a boulder up a mountain. Superimposed on the image is an inspirational quote that reads, "97% of the people who quit too soon are employed by the 3% who never gave up.”

Inspirational Quotes for Struggling Entrepreneurs

  Are you a struggling entrepreneur on the brink of giving up? Read these inspirational quotes before you make a decision you may regret for the rest of your life.  “I’m convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” — Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc.  “Tough…