An Amazon seller sitting at his computer, thinking long and hard about which is better for his ecommerce business: an LLC or an S Corp?

LLC or S Corp: Which is Better for Ecommerce / Amazon Sellers?

  This is a question we at CapForge get all the time and even when it isn’t asked we find ourselves addressing it with clients frequently because it could be saving them money if they switch. There is a lot of misinformation out there as well as simply misinformed or wrongly motivated advice on how…

Amazon's website.

Best Ad Management Services for Amazon Sellers

  If you’re apprehensive about spending money on Amazon ads because you fear they’ll be completely ineffective, we’ve got news for you: you should be. According to Commerce Signals, 40% of all media ad spend is wasted.  It’s not that ads don’t work. It’s that ads are costly experiments if you don’t know what you’re…

An Amazon shopper submits his credit card info to make a purchase.

Statistics Every Amazon Seller Should Know

  Everybody knows that Amazon is the biggest ecommerce company in the world. That much is not news.  However, not everyone knows just how big the company is in terms of its revenue, users, and total number of products listed. The figures are astonishing. Listed below are 30 statistics every Amazon seller should know, as…

Boxes of inventory stacked in a warehouse.

Why You Should Use Inventory Management Software

  Did you know that poor inventory management is one of the top eight reasons why businesses fail? Furthermore, did you know that 43% of small businesses do not track their inventory or use a manual process? Statistically speaking, that’s a lot of small businesses that are doomed to fail.  We don’t say this to…