One-Click Checkout: Why Your Business Needs It

One-Click Checkout: Why Your Business Needs It

Imagine this scenario if you haven’t implemented one-click checkout in your business. A customer wants to purchase a product from your website. They add a product to their cart, fill in their billing info, and enter their shipping details. But before they can checkout the item, they must register with an account first! Frustrated, the…

Cybersecurity 101 for Insurance Agencies

Cybersecurity 101 for Insurance Agencies

The insurance industry is a prime target for cybercriminals because of the sensitive information they carry. According to Statista, the financial sector recorded more than 2,500 cybersecurity incidents between 2020 and 2021, with small businesses receiving the most attacks. It’s an alarming figure that should raise the concerns of insurance agencies and encourage them to…

AI Dentistry and the Technologies it Uses

AI Dentistry and the Technologies it Uses

The maturation of AI in the healthcare industry is becoming more evident, as experts predict its potential market size to balloon up to 28 billion dollars in 2025. Given the advancements in modern technology, it’s no surprise that dental practices are starting to embrace the idea of AI dentistry. But what AI technologies currently exist…

Tips to Improve Cybersecurity in Your Law Firm

Tips to Improve Cybersecurity in Your Law Firm

Law firm clients have high expectations when it comes to data privacy. As a lawyer, it’s your job to protect your client’s sensitive information and ensure it’s safe from cyber attacks. The problem is that not every law firm implements the latest cybersecurity measures, which leaves them vulnerable to data breaches. Financial and law firms…