In this video, Matt goes over another side hustle idea. This video suggests that you can use Chat GPT to write 12,000-word articles to make money. Matt has some issues with this. Be sure to watch this video to see what he dislikes about this particular idea.
There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!
Video Transcript:
Business Advice Video:
Alright, I’m gonna show you another stupid easy side hustle. You’re gonna head over to text broker com and click on “I write content”. Then you’re gonna go ahead and register for free. Head over to Chat GPT and then you’re gonna write in “write 12,000 words” and then you’ll pick a topic. Now I already know what you’re thinking you’re probably like “Oh all these sites say don’t use AI technology,” but let me show you what you can do to make sure you make it your own. Head over to and there’ll be a plagiarism checker you can add in your own personal flair.
Matt’s Review:
So she’s explicitly advising you to go on the site and violate their terms of service using Chat GPT to write a 12,000-word article on a topic that you don’t know anything about. And then check it for plagiarism. And then add a little bit of your own flair. And you’re gonna get paid $192. There’s a few problems with that. The average article online that you read is probably between 700 and 1200 words. It’s a fairly surface-level coverage of whatever the topic is. And there’s not a lot of detail required, there’s not a ton of work. And you could write an article like that without knowing much about the subject just doing some quick research. Or you could have chat GPT write something about it and it probably wouldn’t be too far wrong. A 12,000-word article is a very in-depth, very specific, very deep knowledge base kind of treatment of a subject. So yes you can have chat GPT write 12,000 words and you can insist that it includes 12,000 words. But it is going to become obvious then that it’s probably not really a subject matter expert. It’s gonna do a high-level treatment. It’s gonna give a lot of fluffy background. And it’s going to get your 12,000 words in but it’s not something that you’re going to be able to replicate a subject matter expert experience in. So I don’t think they’re going to accept the article that you’re gonna turn in for 12,000 words right off the bat and pay $192. The other issue is the articles that run that long that people want are probably not very common, right? There’s not a million opportunities to write a 12,000-word article. There’s probably very few people willing to pay that much for that kind of article in the first place. So there’s not unlimited opportunities. So again like so many of these opportunities, so-called opportunities. There’s not an unlimited number. It’s not as easy as throwing chat GPT. And getting you know paid $192 for five minutes of effort. The world just doesn’t generally work like that, right? You might be able to pull it off once or twice but pretty soon they’re gonna figure out you’re not a deep subject matter expert. They don’t want your chat GPT-generated garbage. And you’re not gonna be able to do this as many times as you want. And make thousands of dollars. Just doesn’t work like that. So instead of trying to figure out how to scam the system and beat the opportunities with you know garbage work but real pay. Figure out a real business that you can actually add value to. You can actually do something worthwhile. And then focus on building that. Instead of these quick side hustle scamming opportunities that aren’t real and don’t scale and don’t really ever achieve what you’re hoping for. If what you’re hoping for is a real business that actually pays you good money for doing something worthwhile. Matt has reviewed multiple sales tip videos. He reviews another one in today’s video.… Here is the next the latest and greatest “Would I Buy This Business?” so… We have another startup business review for today’s video. Matt reviews this Indiegogo campaign… In today's video, Matt watches a video discussing external and internal locus of control.… In today’s video, Matt is reacting to the idea that a) it's easy to…
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