White Label SAAS | Is it a Scam or Money Making?

A lot of TikTok business videos like to hype up dropshipping but in today’s video Matt reacts to a video suggesting whit label saas over dropshipping. Watch to see if Matt thinks either will make a good business.

There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!

Video Transcript: 

Business Advice Video:

Stop listening to all the dipshits that are telling you to do dropshipping. You can literally start your own software company with no coding experience and no money. And there is no one doing this right now so getting in now would be like getting in dropshipping back in 2010. What we’re gonna be doing is something called white-label SAS. There are companies out there that will build a completely done-for-you software and then you can take that software, put your own logo on it, and then resell it for whatever price you want. 

Matt’s Review: 

Don’t listen to all the dipshits telling you to start a software company. First of all, to say no one’s doing it, no one’s doing software companies… What? No. It’s none of this makes any sense. Yes, you can create software without having to be a coder. You can hire people to build software or apparently, you can white-label software. But here’s the thing, white labeling software means you’re selling the same copy under a different name as 10, 50, 1,000 other people are selling under their names but it’s all the same thing. Which is gonna put a lot of pricing pressure on how much you can actually sell that for. And why would somebody buy it from you? Who didn’t create it? Doesn’t necessarily understand it? Isn’t solving a unique problem that anyone else isn’t already solving with the same or better software? It’s just an affiliate marketing scam I’m gonna say. I mean there’s some legitimacy in that, you know, you know what you’re getting into if you’re buying this stuff. But you’re not really launching a software company, you’re just reselling someone else’s software with your own name slapped on it. That’s not a particularly good strategy in e-commerce. Doing it with physical products. And it’s not a good strategy doing it with software. Slapping your own name on someone else’s software and trying to grab some market share. You’re gonna make money for whoever you’re paying for that software but you’re not likely to make much of anything yourself. And it’s just ludicrous to me to say, look straight into the camera and say no one’s doing software companies. What? People are doing software companies before this guy was born. And there are literally millions of people trying to launch software as a service, apps, and websites, and whatever right now. Their own unique stuff that they’ve coded and made. Not bought from somebody else and stuck their name on. So this just seems like a huge waste of time to me. If you have a legitimate idea for a new product. That solves a problem. That has customers that are looking for this solution. You can find a way to build a minimum viable product by hiring some developers if you don’t want to learn to be a developer yourself, to build something you can start doing some testing with to see if there’s really a product there.

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