Watch This If You’re Starting a Sales Job

In this video, Matt reviews a video that goes over some tips for those starting a sales job. The video he is reviewing is one part of a two-part video series and he only watched the first part. Tell us if you think he should review the second part.

There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!

Video Transcript: 

Business Advice Video:

You just started a sales job and you want some advice I’m gonna give you some. Step number one is obvious but be the hardest worker. That goes into No. 2 be good early on because you will get the best leads if you’re one of the best reps early on. No.3 is stick to the script. Next is invest in good training. Next, make sure your leader is someone you actually look up to. 

Matt’s Review:

Okay, so sales tips. I think you know there’s some good points. It is sales as hard work. So if you’re a hard worker you’re gonna get more results. It’s also generally a numbers game. If the product or service that you’re pitching is a quality product or service and it’s just a matter of how many people who need that product or service you get in front of. And you’re gonna get a percentage of them who decide that your solution is worth giving a try and they’re gonna agree to buy. So the more calls you make or outreaches you do the more percentage of sales you’re gonna make. Or even at the same percentage of sales you’re gonna get more just because you’re doing more. And that’s really true at any job. You know come on time or even come a little early. Work hard throughout. and you know demonstrate your worth. You’re gonna get more opportunities. The people who are doing the opposite of that, coming in late, being lazy, taking long lunches, not working very hard, not doing a good job, making mistakes, causing problems. They are not gonna get opportunities to grow. And may get an opportunity to be asked to go somewhere else. So being a good hard worker is always a benefit to your career. If you’re working for somebody who recognizes that. Now another point of hers was you know work for somebody that you respect. That’s true. If you’re working for somebody who’s gonna favor other people because of personal relationships or some other dynamic. And even though you’re the hardest worker and you’re getting the best results, you’re still not getting the promotions or opportunities because your manager is a jerk. Then you probably wanna look to take your talent somewhere else. Because you wanna work somewhere where they reward based on merit.

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