In today’s video, Matt reviews a kid asking a business owner how he could grow his candy shop. While the advice might be general advice Matt does agree with it for the most part. Watch the video for his full thoughts.

There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!

Video Transcript: 

Business Advice Video:

What should I do to grow my business even more? What do you sell? Freeze-dried candy. What part of the business is the hardest right now? Selling it in general. So I always ask myself this question. Where do the people that buy my kind of product hang out? Who is the perfect person to buy from you? Children. Yes. So where do they hang out? Park. 

Matt’s Review: 

So I guess this is cute because it’s a kid with a business asking an adult who seemingly knows something about business for advice. The general advice seems to be go where the customers are at, which is great. That is what you want to do. You want to sell your product to people who want to buy your product. In order to do that, you’ve got to get in front of people who are interested in your product. You’re wasting your time if you’re selling to people who don’t really have an interest in what you’re offering. So the general advice is go where the customers are at. That’s good advice. It’s very general, very generic, not. You know, super helpful for any specific situations, but you know, certainly good advice for business in general. And actually, I guess I do see a fair amount of people spending money on stuff like social media ads and YouTube and things that isn’t targeted enough, right? Lots of people are seeing the ad who have absolutely no interest in what’s being sold. So they’re immediately skipping it or scrolling past it, but potentially costing that business the money to still get in front of the wrong eyes. The best business you can have is one where you can clearly identify exactly who your customers are. And then you only spend time and effort advertising to those folks and not to anyone else. Not to anyone who isn’t interested, isn’t in your target customer group, doesn’t meet the criteria of somebody who would be a good fit for buying your product. The less you can spend on wasted ads, the more effective your ads are going to be, the more you can spend on those ads because they return positive dollars back to you for the customers that you attract. So targeted ad spend and going where your customers are is a smart thing to do in business. And as obvious as it sounds, it’s not everybody gets it or takes that advice. So listen up if that’s you if you’re spending money on ads that aren’t going to the right people, then knock that off. Because that’s not helping your business, it’s actually hurting you.

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