When you are just starting out in business the strong temptation is to work with anyone who knocks on your door and offers to pay you, no matter how far off it may be from what you were planning to do.
If you started a house painting business but someone sees you have a ladder and asks you how much to clean the gutters, you’re likely to give them a quote, not correct their mistake!
But the problem with this is you never really build up a brand and reputation and you never get really good at any one thing. If you’re not the go-to person for something specific then you’re just one of the crowd. For example, you could be a plumber, or you can be the Leak Master.
Sure the Leak Master isn’t going to get a lot of calls for routine sink backups or new shower installs, but if you get nearly every call for hard-to-find leaks and you become the top choice for that service it’s a powerful advantage!
It’s a little scary to limit yourself with your name or branding when you are starting out, but the upside is that you reap so many benefits once you’re up and running.
The chances are you won’t be able to take over your whole industry and build a giant company on general services. But if you specialize and really own a very particular segment, it’s almost the same as having a monopoly and that’s a very powerful place to be.
Let me illustrate the idea with an actual example.
I have a friend who is thinking about starting his own tax business and he mentioned one area he might like to focus on is doing taxes for people whose business, or at least side hustle, is short-term vacation rental owner.
But he’s not sure he wants to pigeonhole himself too much by doing so. Here’s why I think he absolutely should niche down to explode his business.
If he sets up his tax business not as a general tax service but as one dedicated to working just with short-term vacation rental owners, he can:
To me the choice is clear- you can be “just another tax provider” competing with all the others out there for general clients and competing on price as much as anything else. Or, you can be the AirBnB tax pro-niche down but in such a better position than a general provider for marketing, pricing, demand and efficiency and profitability.
So how does this apply to your business? What one niche can you really dominate and become the go-to person for?
If you haven’t figured it out yet, now might be the time to really decide how you can create a virtual monopoly on one slice of the business world and then own it!
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