What’s More Important than Profit When Starting a Business?

What’s More Important than Profit When Starting a Business?

In this video, Matt reacts to the question of what’s more important than profit when starting a business. Is being a business owner more than just thinking about profits? Is it the only reason to even start your own business? Watch and find out! There are tons of people out on social media giving business…

Will Anyone Buy a Water Maker that Pulls Water Out of Thin Air?

Will Anyone Buy a Water Maker that Pulls Water Out of Thin Air?

CapForge has worked with a lot of ecommerce businesses and other small businesses and has seen some great products out there! In this new series, we look at new products on the market and see if they are worth investing in. For our first one, we have Spout Water Maker. Video Transcript:  Product Promo Video: …

Does your personality type affect how successful you’re business will be?

Does your personality type affect how successful you’re business will be?

In this video, Matt talks about whether one personality type is better for starting a business! Does your personality type affect how successful you’ll be in business? There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this new series…

Business Partners are the Worst! And How to Fix That If You Still Want One

Business Partners are the Worst! And How to Fix That If You Still Want One

I’ve never had a business partner, so how do I know this? Simple – I’ve seen dozens (hundreds?) of businesses break up over partnership issues and way, way fewer partnerships actually thrive. In fact just yesterday in the news was the story of the bitter break up of a thirty-year partnership between the guy who brought Sriracha…