Today Matt reacts to another sales tip video. This particular tip is about rephrasing what you say as a salesperson to make it harder for leads to say no. As someone who knows sales well, watch to see Matt’s thoughts, and learn some of his tips.
There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!
Video Transcript:
Business Advice Video:
What’s the one word that anybody wants to say to a salesperson? The word no. It’s hard for them to say, yes, I’d be opposed. But if I said “Are you open?” They’re like “No, I’m not really open.” But if I say, “Are you opposed?” it’s really hard psychologically for your brain to go “Yes, I’m opposed.” They say “no, I’m not opposed.”
Matt’s Review:
That’s an interesting trick for sales, getting the words right. And there definitely is something to having the right speech patterns, having the right approach to proposing solutions. Or even if somebody does need what you’re offering and does like the price and does like your pitch, they still tend to wanna say no because it’s easier to not do anything different, not spend money, not change your pattern than it is to do something different, spend money, change what you’re doing currently. Even if it’s gonna get you to a better place. So there is something to how you pitch it, how you word it, how you present it. I think those tricks and those psychological, you know, triggers for people and whatever only take you so far. The best thing you can do to have success in sales is have something really good. That really works. that really solves the problem. That other people have tried and really like and write you great reviews and give you referrals and see success with. And when you sell somebody, when they sign up and they do whatever it is you’re offering or get your product or your service or whatever, they have a great experience. Because then you can be pretty bad at sales and still sell well. Because people are interested in what it is you’re offering and it works really well. The worse your product, the less successful it is, the less it really helps, the less people are gonna wanna recommend it after they tried it, the better you have to be at sales to overcome all those objections and the bad reviews and the bad word of mouth and the fact that the thing doesn’t really do what you’re saying it does. So while it’s good to be good at sales, the best thing you can do is have a really good offer and a really good result for people. And if you have those two things you don’t have to be nearly as good at sales to still do well. Obviously, then you can work on polishing up your sales presentation as well. But I would say you wanna start with having really something really good to sell and being an okay salesperson, as opposed to trying to be an amazing salesperson with nothing much to really sell at all. In today’s video, Matt reviews how it can be costly in many ways if…
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