Is It Easy to Make Money in 2024?

There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this new series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!

CapForge Founder and Owner Matt Remuzzi reacts to whether or not it’s easy to make money.  

Video Transcript: 

Business Advice Video: 

[Intervewer] What do you think is the number one mistake that a lot of these entrepreneurs are making? [inverviewee] They don’t learn the fundamentals. it’s so easy, it’s so easy to make money you know. This online – anybody can go out and make 10 grand amount literally. But who learns taxes? Who learns budget? Who learns human resources? Nobody learns those things cause they’re the boring parts of the business.

Matt’s Review:

Okay, I take a little issue with the statement that anybody can easily go out and make 10 grand a month. Anybody can eventually get to the point where they make 10 grand or 100 grand a month but saying it’s easy and that anyone can do it I think is discounting the amount of time and effort it will take the vast majority of people to get there. It’s not easy and it’s not like it – they make it sound like you just decide one day I wanna make 10 grand a month and a week later there you are making 10 grand a month. So that part of this little presentation I feel like is really missing the boat on how much time and effort it takes to get to a point where you can make $10,000 a month or fill in the blank number.

But I do agree that a lot of the other aspects of business operations, and accounting, and scaling, and managing people are not things that most people have a lot of experience with or any experience with. And it’s not something that you easily pick up, you know, watch a couple of videos or read a book, and all of a sudden you know how to manage people expertly. All those things take time and effort to learn and trial by error and just general life experience of seeing how things work and what works and what doesn’t. And learning from your mistakes and seeing other people who do it well and modeling some of their behavior. So you can shortcut a lot of that by getting help getting advice, getting feedback, but even there with all that help it still takes time and effort to learn and you’re gonna make mistakes and you’re not gonna get it right every time the first time. So all of it is challenging. Anyone can do it I agree with that statement, but none of it is easy. And some of it can be very challenging and it’s not for everyone. Not everyone is cut out to do it or even wants to. So don’t feel bad if you don’t make 10 grand a week, a week after starting trying to make 10 grand a week, cause I would be shocked for 99.9% of people if they could pull that off. But then also recognize there’s a lot to know about running a successful business beyond just making sales and pulling the money in. There’s a lot behind the scenes. If you wanna scale it and grow it and be successful and hang on to a good chunk of it and exit with a good amount left, there’s a lot to learn. That’s okay, everything you know worth doing takes effort and is hard. If it was super easy to do and anyone could do it we’d all be millionaires and millionaires, you know, it wouldn’t mean anything, right? Cause then it would the trillionaires would be the rich people and the millionaires would just be the regular people. So it’s hard for a reason because it takes a lot of work to do.

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