In this video, the video Matt is watching gives 5 things to do to help grow your business. One of the things she says is to not have goals. Watch Matt’s reaction to this and his counterargument.
There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!
Video Transcript:
Business Advice Video:
Ask these things and you will master life. Business is an extension of your life. Alright, number one do not make things big. The minute you make something like 20k seem really hard to get or moving to a nice city too expensive, it becomes out of reach in your mind. Never make goals or to-do lists. Instead, you want standards and rituals. introduce yourself as your business. Decide don’t choose. If you decide to be a business owner you literally cut off any other options. Measure to master. track everything that you want to change.
Matt’s Review:
I mean there’s some definite good advice buried in there. I would say one I definitely don’t agree with is not setting goals. I think setting goals is super important and gives you something to shoot for. Her 5th tip was to measure and track everything. Which is great but what are you aiming towards with that measuring and tracking? I think those are your goals. She’s saying reset your standards and what you’ll accept. Which is maybe a different way of saying that. I don’t think having goals is a bad thing at all though. Resetting your standards may be a more complicated way of saying what you’re trying to achieve. Introducing yourself as your business, I mean, yes, you wanna let people know about it. But also don’t be weird and awkward in conversations. Yeah I mean, I think some of this advice is good, some of it is a little bit more manifest than, you know, manifesting then then actually just concrete steps to get there. But everybody I guess, you know, different things work for different people. So if this speaks to you, makes sense to you, and gets you where you wanna be, then great! do it. Like I always say or often say, not everything works for everybody and there’s no real absolutes. So if this doesn’t work for you, doesn’t make sense, doesn’t resonate then don’t feel like if you’re not doing it then you lost your chance to be successful. This is just one person’s interpretation of what would make sense and how to get where you wanna be. But there’s lots of ways. And I think fundamentally setting a goal and then working towards it is a great way to get there. And then continue to set new goals as you achieve the ones you’ve set. Or if you realize that that wasn’t a good goal for you or wasn’t something you’re gonna get to, then re-evaluate, reset goals, keep working. As long as you keep moving forward, as long as you keep making progress you’re always gonna be on track with getting where you wanna be. When you stop making progress, you stop trying, you stop caring, you quit and give up and go do something else cause you think this will never get there you never it’s never gonna work, then at that point you have guaranteed that you won’t get to the place you wanted to get to. In this startup business video, Matt is going over the Desk Nest Cat Bed.… Matt has gone over some different sales tips. This video is along the same… In this video, Matt goes over another side hustle idea. This video suggests that… Matt reacts to several ecommerce advice videos, and this video is along the same… So in today's version of “Would I Buy This Business for Sale”, we have… In this video, Matt reacts to a video showcasing the Skittles vending machine. The…