Does Your Business Have Both a Masculine and Feminine Side?

There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this new series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!

CapForge Founder and Owner Matt Remuzzi reacts to business advice being shared on the internet. In this video, he reacts to the idea that business has a masculine and feminine side. Yeah, you read that right. 

Video Transcript: 

Business Advice Video:

If you wanna see some insane growth in your business, like overnight, let me tell you a little secret. If you feel like you have like the masculine side of business down, the strategy, the implementation, the action. And you are not seeing like the numbers you wanna be seeing. Look into the feminine side of business. Let go of some limiting beliefs you have around money. Around how much you can charge. Do some deep hardwiring mental reset in here. Like yes, you should be manifesting the reality that you want. 

Matt’s Review:

I didn’t know, this is the first time I’m hearing of it, that businesses have a masculine side and a feminine side. So that’s news to me. Been doing business a long time never heard that. But now that she’s saying it does, and she’s saying the masculine side is strategy and implementation. She didn’t really say what the feminine side was, other than like maybe manifesting and wishing and desiring. Not really sure how that’s feminine. I know plenty of guys that desire and would like to manifest things. But also not sure how in a practical sense that helps you at all. She did mention raising your price and charging what you’re worth. That sounds like a strategy, so I’m just really confused by this whole thing. I think if you wanna have business – your business grow and do really well and see the massive growth that she’s saying you should wanna see, then what you need to do is figure out how to deliver massive value. And get in front of massive amounts of customers. And do massive amounts of sales at a good margin. It’s like business 101. I don’t know if just sitting on your floor and dreaming about it is gonna get you there. I think you have to have the goal to get there. If you don’t have the goal then it definitely won’t happen. But once you’ve decided on the goal then you actually have to go back and do the real work of having something of value. That you’re promoting, putting out in the world, giving customers a reason to pick you over all their other options, and then delivering a great experience to those customers so that they continue to buy, they give you good reviews, they give you good referrals, and your business grows. I think it’s just that simple. I don’t know if we need to genderize business. Or get into anything more froufrou than that. I think it’s just that simple to say. It’s much harder to execute and do well, but that’s really all I think there is to it.

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