A Positive Way of Looking at Market Competition

A Positive Way of Looking at Market Competition

Generally speaking, entrepreneurs do NOT like competition! And can you really blame them? As a business owner, competition makes things a lot more… let’s just say… challenging. But what if that’s not necessarily a bad thing? In fact, what if (bear with us here) the challenges brought on by competition lead to better products and…

A person shopping for clothes online using their mobile device.

Why Every Brick & Mortar Store Should Have an Online Shop

  FOMO. If you haven’t seen the acronym before, it stands for “fear of missing out.” And when it comes to e-commerce, every brick and mortar store should have FOMO.  That’s because, as the latest statistics show, e-commerce accounts for approximately 18% of all retail sales worldwide. In other words, if you operate a brick…

Financial records, a calculator, and a tax book piled on a desk.

Common Tax Deductions for Small Business Owners

  They say that knowledge is power, but in the world of taxes, it’s more like knowledge is money!  Take it from us. As professional accountants, we’ve seen small business owners lose out on thousands of dollars in tax breaks because they didn’t know they could deduct certain expenses. We don’t want to see that…

A business owner asking a bookkeeper a series of questions and writing down the answers.

Eye-Opening Questions Every Business Owner Should Ask Their Bookkeeper

  Did you know your bookkeeper can be one of your greatest assets when it comes to growing your business?  And yet, so many business owners underutilize their bookkeeper because they view bookkeeping as a means to filing taxes. But it’s time to change that perception once and for all, because as we’re about to…

A checklist for small businesses.

Bookkeeping Checklist for Small Businesses

  As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. Not only are you the CEO, you’re also the head of marketing, finance, sales, customer service, and human resources. With so many responsibilities to juggle, it’s easy to let bookkeeping fall to the wayside.  And that’s understandable—to an extent. After all, there…

A person holding an assortment of U.S. credit cards.

How to Get a US Credit Card if You’re Not an American Citizen

  If you’re a foreigner looking to get your hands on a U.S. credit card, you’re in luck.  In recent years, U.S. banks have made credit cards a lot more accessible to non-citizens. That’s the good news. Ready for the bad news? There are a lot of predatory banks out there looking to exploit foreigners…

A businesswoman on the phone inquiring about professional bookkeeping services.

Why Every Company is Looking for Professional Bookkeeping Services

Having worked with numerous business owners in various industries across the globe, we can tell you exactly why every company is looking for professional bookkeeping services.  Simply put: because doing your own bookkeeping is a pain in the you-know-what. And there’s scientific evidence to prove it! A TD Bank survey of more than 500 small…

A map of the U.S. with a compass placed beside it.

10 Best States for Starting a Small Business in 2021

This is the year. This is the year you’ll stop talking about starting a business and actually launch one. And to that we say, congratulations! You’ve made the first step towards turning your dream into a reality.   If you’re like most first-time entrepreneurs, you’re probably terrified right now. Terrified of failure. Terrified of losing all…

A small business with a sign posted on the front door that reads, "Yes, we're open."

A Case for Keeping Your Small Business Small

As Americans, we tend to favor large sizes—whether that be houses, meals, or vehicles. But when it comes to running a business, there’s actually a pretty compelling case for keeping your operations small. Now don’t go thinking that a small business equates to small earnings. No, no, no. Get that association out of your head…