In this video, we have another bad boss video. We’ve all probably had experience working under a toxic boss. Matt reacts to these 5 signs of a toxic boss.
There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!
Video Transcript:
Business Advice Video:
Here’s five ways that toxic bosses sabotage your career growth. No. 1 they feel threatened by you so they keep you in the shadows. No. 2 they overload you with non-promotable. No.3 They make you feel small and undermine your work. No. 4 they get all the spotlight without giving you proper. No. 5 they’re just so narcissistic that they don’t really care about you.
Matt’s Review:
The points about toxic bosses are valid. If you own a business and you don’t treat your employees well. You don’t give them opportunities to grow and learn. You don’t give them credit for a job well done. You only yell at them when something goes wrong or there’s a problem. Or even yell at them when it wasn’t their fault but you know, you just want somebody to blame. Then don’t expect or don’t be surprised if your business doesn’t grow nearly as well as it could. Or you’re constantly facing turnover. Or you’re telling yourself “I can’t find any good people.” That’s usually a look in the mirror situation. You wanna treat people well. If you treat people well, they’ll treat your customers well, your business will thrive. If you don’t treat your people well, well they’re probably not gonna treat you or your business very well or your customers very well. And you’re gonna be constantly putting out fires, and cleaning up messes, and struggling and being under stress. So learn how to be a good manager. And that’s not easy. you know, that’s not something they teach in high school or college. You know, and a lot of people have had bad bosses in their history, and so that for better or worse, is the model of behavior for a boss that they see, and then that’s what they end up doing. But it doesn’t have to be like that. And being a good manager isn’t particularly hard. Just treat people well, set clear expectations, be fair, give them opportunities to grow. Be somebody that you would wanna work for, right? If you’re a jerk boss, you wouldn’t wanna work for you either. Then why would you be surprised that no one else does? So it’s not hard to be a good manager. And it pays such huge dividends that I just never understand why people don’t do that as a matter of course. By default be a great boss. Don’t be a jerk. In this startup business video, Matt is going over the Desk Nest Cat Bed.… Matt has gone over some different sales tips. This video is along the same… In this video, Matt goes over another side hustle idea. This video suggests that… Matt reacts to several ecommerce advice videos, and this video is along the same… So in today's version of “Would I Buy This Business for Sale”, we have… In this video, Matt reacts to a video showcasing the Skittles vending machine. The…