4 Mindset Hacks to Have as an Entrepreneur

Matt is reacting to a video that gives mindset “hacks” to have as an entrepreneur. All the tips given are actually ones Matt likes. In a more positive reaction, Matt expands on the tips.

There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!

Video Transcript: 

Business Advice Video:

4 mindset hacks every business owner must have in order to grow rapidly. 1 believe bigger, start smaller. 2 love the journey not just the destination. 3 challenge yourself not others. 4 mistakes are milestones. Bonus failure is part of the process. Comment value. It means you are part of the few high-value people who are ready to make a difference.

Matt’s Review:

I liked it up till the end. When they tell you to comment something specific to prove a point, okay. If you really were taking the message home you wouldn’t waste your time with that. But the other parts of it were good. Business is definitely a Marathon, not a sprint. You gotta be in it for the long haul and you can’t quit early. And you do wanna definitely challenge yourself most of all not others, right? You wanna build others up and help them grow and help them succeed. You’re challenging them to grow as well but you don’t wanna be confrontational or holding them back or trying to beat your own the people on your own team, right?  You wanna lift them up. And really the challenge is to yourself to see where you can grow. And definitely believing and setting high goals is the way to get to high places, right? If you set low goals and achieve them, cool but you’re still at a low point. If you set high goals and then steps in the interim to get there you’re much more likely to achieve at high levels, you know. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be a 10 million dollar business, a hundred million dollar business. But if you’re only two weeks into it recognize that you’ve got quite a ways to go. And back into what are the steps and levels you need to achieve to get to that level, that ultimate level. And not just wish that you were there, right? Everyone wishes they were there. But if it was that easy right we all would be there. And then yes, the journey is where you gonna spend 99% of your time, right? When you get to the end that’s the very last part. If you hated the entire thing, don’t expect that once you finally stand on the summit that everything is suddenly gonna be amazing and finally you’re gonna be happy, right? If the whole thing sucked then the top’s not gonna be any better. You really have to enjoy the whole journey all the way along. Cause that’s gonna be 99% of the time is the journey. And really it’s never really over, right? There’s always more to do. More you can achieve. More you could set your sights on. So enjoy the journey cause that is where all the time is spent.

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