3 Tips for Helping You Get More Orders in 2024

There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this new series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!

CapForge Founder and Owner Matt Remuzzi reacts to business advice being shared on the internet. In this video, he reacts to this video that suggests three things to help get more orders. 

Video Transcript: 

Business Advice Video:

Here are three things you can do to get more orders No. 1 Find your favorite stores and email them. Ask them “Hey love your store. Can we send you some products?” No. 2 Build a relationship with your customers. No. 3 Keep showing up. Last, be patient.

Matt’s Review: 

Okay, I don’t really understand the first one. Find your favorite stores and send them sample products. Is that because you’re hoping they might then sell your products at their store? But what if their store has nothing to do with your products? What is it being your favorite store have to do with anything? I wouldn’t start sending sample products to somebody unless they expressed interest in caring them and that was even how they did things. Not really sure I agree with the first advice. The second advice seems like sort of the same as the first advice, reaching out. the third piece of advice just show up. Well, I mean it seems to me like that goes without saying, right? If you’re not working on your business then why would you expect it to grow? You have to go and work on it every day, all the time. If you’re not doing it somebody needs to be doing it. So if you’re big enough to where you have staff and employees and help, they can help you grow your business. But somebody’s gotta be doing it. So that seems like it goes without saying. And then the fourth part be patient. Well, yes, be patient if you have a plan that you’re executing and it’s working and it’s just taking time to continue to scale up. But don’t be patient if you don’t even know what you’re doing is working or what you’re doing isn’t working. Don’t keep doing what isn’t working and just expect that somehow time will fix the problem. It won’t. You have to actually do something that’s working for it to get better. So make sure you’re not making the mistake of being persistent with something that isn’t working. Be persistent to find things that work and then continue to do the things that work. But don’t just assume that putting time in by itself will get you there. Cause it won’t. 

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