Naturally, in the course of my business, I meet all kinds of business owners and I can see exactly how well they are doing.
Not how well they tell people they are doing- how well they are actually doing in real life in real dollars and cents. It’s one of the things that goes with the territory of being in accounting.
And here is what I can tell you I’ve observed over the years. Not ALL the time, but nearly all the time. People who have a lot of businesses they are running at once are often doing pretty well. But people who have one business that they work on exclusively for week after week and year after year are the ones who are killing it.
What is going on here? I think I can explain.
When you first start, you have one thing you do and you’re all in on that. You spend all your time getting that one thing going. But after some time- a year to a few years, it’s going OK and you’re making decent money. And this is where people diverge.
Some people take the money and the fact that things are going OK with thing one to then launch thing two. And that may work. And then they launch thing three. And that may not work. But they try thing four and so on.
And a few years later they have three or four things working OK. And they may be making a nice six figure income and feel like they’ve got it all figured out. One of their things might start to drop off but they start another one and that picks up the slack. Or sometimes not. Sometimes they end up in real trouble.
But to someone else just starting they see a person who looks like they’re doing well and they own a handful of businesses and it seems like a great place to be. And it can be. But in my experience, these folks have a hard time really breaking through. They never really get to a point where they can detach from the businesses they own and at the same time they never really break through to the next level of success.
On the other hand, the ones who never stray from that first original business just keep building and building. They don’t get bored or distracted by the next shiny object or the next better business model. They just keep building on what they already have.
And the results continue to build and the success multiplies and they find things get easier than they used to be. Problems still exist but they aren’t existential problems anymore.
I used to be the first person but now I’m the second person.
In my first twelve years in business, I had lots of businesses. Not all of them worked. I had some good earning years. But I also had some poor years. For the last twelve years, I have focused on one business. It has grown and grown and while the early years were hard (and the temptation to multi-task was always there) staying focused has paid off more than I could have imagined.
So if you’ve got lots of businesses right now, I bet there is one that is way ahead of the others. If that’s the case, pick that one and run with it. Unless you hate that one, then decide which one is your one and let the others fend for themselves.
If you only have one business, then put blinders on to all the other opportunities out there and stick with the one.
But it’s more than just sticking with one business. Focus on things like this:
In other words, as much as it can be distracting having multiple businesses to look after to the point where none of them really get enough attention, it can be just as bad getting distracted in your own business by a million little things.
So focus in, make things simpler, do a few things really well and let the rest go by the wayside. Do more of what already works well. Do less of the “let’s try this new thing” or “what if we added that” until you’ve mastered what you already have.
Focus on growth and you’ll get growth. Focus on doing more and you will do more, but that’s not the same thing and may hurt and be counterproductive in the long run. Very often, the best growth comes from doing more but of fewer things.
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