Everyone is always looking for a way to get rich quickly, and this video has a suggestion on how to do that. Watch to see if Matt agrees, or if we should all keep our day jobs.
There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!
Video Transcript:
Business Advice Video:
[The] fastest way to actually get rich today from zero isn’t by taking a course, login on a laptop, and trying to make internet money. So if you wanna get rich and you want it fast and you want it to last you need to first get around richer friends and richer people. And you can do that by joining a company and joining a commission-only position with people that inspire you.Matt’s Review:
Okay, I was hoping there was gonna be something interesting there and the number one way to actually get rich. But hanging out with rich people is not a way to get rich. It’s a way to maybe get frustrated and depressed by seeing how much money all these other people have that you don’t have. So just hanging out with rich people is not a way to get rich, it’s a way to actually try to, you know, it’s a way to blow through even more money trying to keep up with people who have plenty of money. Spending $15 on drinks and $100 on restaurant meals and you don’t have anywhere close to that but you’re hanging out with them. So now you feel like you know you gotta get a drink once in a while and eat something besides a side salad and insist that you’re not hungry. So hanging out with rich people is not the not the solution.
And taking a commission-only sales position is also not the solution. First of all, what are you selling and are you getting good at it, and do you have any interest in selling that? If you’re not a natural-born salesman and you don’t have any interest in the product and you don’t have any way to get in front of those customers, then you’re gonna completely fail and get even more depressed. And that’s gonna be a terrible way to try and do anything. So no, again that one size fits all solutions are terrible because they don’t fit hardly anybody. And hanging out with rich people and then trying to make money in a commission-only sales position is a good fit for about 1% of the population. And the other 99% of the population are gonna be miserable and suck at it and hate it. And then they could have just been working at a regular job making at least a nice paycheck, even a nominal paycheck, or even any paycheck because commission only means you get paid nothing unless you make a sale. So it doesn’t make any sense to me to go and pursue hanging out with rich people and trying to get a commission-only sales job.
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