Starting a Business in 2025 | Watch this First

There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this new series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!

CapForge Founder and Owner Matt Remuzzi reacts to business advice being shared on the internet. In this video, he reacts to these three tips for starting a business.

Video Transcript: 

Business Advice Video: 

These are my three top tips if you are starting a business. No.1 is to test the demand of your product or service before you launch it. No. 2 and this is so important, build your networks and your contacts early. Third thing is to focus on your brand over your product.

Matt’s Review:

I think those are decent points. One of the things I frequently advise clients to do if they’re starting something new, either a whole new business or a new line, is to make sure that there are people out there that wanna buy what you’re planning to sell. A lot of times people feel like “Oh, I had a great idea for a business or a product or a service”. And then they spend six months, 12 months, tens of thousands of dollars building it out. And then they finally go to launch and find out nobody really wanted that. Or they didn’t want it the way they built it. Or the way, you know, the color they designed it in. Or with the features they added. A lot of the product reviews that we do, which are really start-up businesses, focuses on that. They’re building something that may not really have an audience at the end of it. So I think her advice is definitely solid there. reaching out to people who’ve done what you wanna do. I mean sure you can try. I’m not sure how much you’re gonna have success with that. A lot of people who have been successful are pretty busy and it’s hard to get a hold of them get them, get them to give you their time. And coach you along the way. It sounds like she’s kind of talking about free mentorship. I wouldn’t spend a lot of time on that. And then third she says focus on the brand over the product. I think the better place to focus is on the customer. So kind of like with point 1, who are you planning to sell to? What specific things do they want? What do they not like about the current choices they have? And what can your product do or your service do better to be a better fit with what they want? So yes some of that is branding, helping to explain to customers why what you’ve got is better than their other options. But you actually have to have something that’s better than the other options. So I think start with that then the brand can focus on explaining that. And then you have a much better chance of having a good long-term successful business.

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