Let’s Build Great Businesses Together in 2025

I don’t know how 2024 went for you but for us it was not bad but not as amazing as I would have liked. It was what franchise sports teams like to call a “building year” for us.  

While I am thankful for where we are and the growth we have had, I have spent a lot of time this year focused on how we can do even better (and sharing my thoughts here with you!).

If your goal is to make your 2025 great then I suggest we do it together. We can hold each other accountable and measure and progress together. We can troubleshoot problems together and take advantage of our collective experience and knowledge to improve.

Here is what I am proposing to help from my side, free, as a starting point:

Two Free Webinars on Saving on Income Taxes

Why? Well, because saving on taxes is always a question it seems nearly every business owner has and wants to talk about and we can help here. While my take on it is that focusing on growth is always better than focusing on cutting, there is a time and place for smart tax planning.

Why two? Well, one is for general business owners and one is specifically for ecommerce business owners. We have a lot of ecom owners in our client group and they have pretty special needs and benefits that can help them.

You can sign up for these here:

Business Owner Tax Savings Strategies on Dec 12th at 12pm Pacific (12/12 at 12pm!)

Ecom Business Owner Tax Strategies on Dec 12th at 1:30pm Pacific (12/12 at 1:30pm)

These will be recorded but I don’t know when the recordings will be available so it would be better to attend the live one and be sure not miss it! Each one will run one hour or so.

These are things that most clients come to us not using or only using some, so I can pretty much guarantee you will find significant savings here compared to your current tax provider unless you’re already working with us, in which case you can skip these and save your time for the next one:

7 Figures to 8 Figures Growth Plan Webinar

If you are heading towards or near or just passed a million a year in revenue, congratulations! That is no easy feat and you should take a second and pat yourself on the back and bask in your accomplishment! I know how excited I was to get there myself, after starting off in the spare bedroom at literally zero and grinding my way there over the course of years.

Here’s what I’ve seen happen though, a lot, when people get to this milestone. They stop. Or just level off mostly and only keep growing just a little bit a year. Why? Because grinding will get you to a million, but as the saying goes, what got you here won’t get you there. You need a fundamental shift in mindset, organization, goals, and way to run your business.

I know, not only because of seeing so many others working on it who are our clients, but in personally doing it myself right now!

Now you may be thinking if it was this much work to get here, I don’t know that I want to do that much more to get to the next level. But here’s the thing- it doesn’t get harder- it gets different. And in many ways, it gets easier. I work fewer hours now then I did when we were just at $1M a year. But even more so- I sleep better. I stress less. Things that would have been a four alarm fire a few years ago are not nearly as big a deal today. Same problem, different level of emergency. It’s a really nice place to be, believe me!

Plus, the effort you put in at this stage isn’t paying you back like it did before- this is the stage where you start to see exponential gains on your effort. This is the snowball stage. It’s where you want to be!

What I am going to talk about on this webinar is what I found to be the critical steps in creating and implementing this growth plan, what to do first, second, etc., and how to think about the process. I’m going to give you the outline you can use to fit it to your own plans and business. I’m going to help you decide on realistic but achievable goals for getting there.

And, I’m not just setting goals for you- I’m setting and sharing goals for me, too so you can see this play out transparently and decide for yourself if I’m worth listening to or completely full of it!

This webinar will be next week, you can sign up here.

7 Figures to 8 Figures Growth Plan Webinar Dec 17th 9:30am Pacific Time (12/17 at 9:30am)

The webinar will be recorded but I don’t know when the recording will be available.

More Coming in 2025

Aside from the above webinars we’ll do before 2024 even closes, I have a lot more planned for 2025:

  1. A monthly webinar series to complement the 7 to 8 goals and cover all the topics that pertain to making that goal a reality
  2. A webinar on achieving a high-value exit of your business
  3. A slew of added tools, services, and advisory options for CapForge clients to cement this process and not just be an information source but a partner in achieving this growth
  4. I plan to eat better and exercise more

OK, that last one seems pretty iffy, not sure I can get to everything on this list so if one of them has to go I know which one it’s going to be. But I’m solid on the first three.

I genuinely look forward to working with anyone and everyone who has the same goals, ambition, and desire to make a positive impact on their business, their life, and the world in general. I’m not so much interested in working with jerks or people whose mentality seems to be more win/lose than win/win.

I think that by sharing the experience, encouraging each other, and focusing on making things better for others (employees, customers, vendors, etc.) we are following the fastest and most inspiring path to also make things better for ourselves and our own families.

Business Owner Tax Savings Strategies on Dec 12th at 12pm Pacific

Ecom Business Owner Tax Strategies on Dec 12th at 1:30pm Pacific

7 Figures to 8 Figures Growth Plan Webinar Dec 17th 9:30am Pacific Time


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