How to Scale from a Startup to a Thriving Business

What does it take to scale a startup to a thriving business? That is the question that is being answered in the video Matt is reviewing today. Watch to see if Matt will agree.

There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!

Video Transcript: 

Business Advice Video:

What some of the key strategies are that you’ve used to employ to scale your companies from startups to then thriving companies? What do you use? It takes people. So you need to hire people that specialize at things that you are not great at. The key is people.

Matt’s Review:

Yes. Absolutely the key is people. You can only be so big as a one-person business. That might still be a reasonable size. That might accomplish all the goals that you have for yourself as a one-person business. But for the vast majority of people, and for reasons I’ve gone into in other videos, I think it’s much more beneficial to grow your business past just what you can do. And that requires bringing other people on board. And in that case, when you bring other people on board you wanna make sure they’re the right people, that you’ve set the right expectations, you’ve given them the right training, you’ve hired them for the right reasons, and they’re supporting you in the mission that you set for yourself. The goal that you set for yourself and each additional higher adds to that mission, adds to the overall viability of the team. One bad hire can really ruin a good team if you don’t manage it and fix it and get everybody back on the same page. Or let that person go who’s not fitting into the team that you built that was otherwise good. 100%. hiring the right people, building the right team is going to allow you to operate a much larger, much more successful, and ultimately much less stressful business than if you try to do everything yourself. So I definitely recommend thinking about how to grow a team that’s gonna work for you, and focusing on getting the right people and having them doing the right things for you. More so than doing it for yourself. But just hiring people and not hiring the right people, not training them properly, not setting good expectations, not managing them effectively, that is probably worse than just doing it all yourself.

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