How to Make Your Side Hustle a Full Time Gig
In this reaction video, Matt is reviewing this ecom seller’s tips for turning a side hustle into a full-time job. She gives three tips, all of which Matt agrees with. Watch to see what these tips are.
There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but most of it isn’t good. In this series watch CapForge’s owner react to different advice videos. He’s an expert in all things business and has 20+ years of experience under his belt. Some of the things he reacts to might even surprise you!
Video Transcript:
Business Advice Video:
Here are three things I did to take my business from a hobby to full-time. The No. 1 thing I did was to find my niche. So my second tip and honestly I think this is like one of the most crucial things that you can do. And that is to ensure that your brand is across multiple different platforms. My third tip and I’ll have to say this is like one of the most important things paid ads.
Matt’s Review:
Good for her getting her business going. And it looked like, you know, if you judge by the size of the warehouse she’s shipping a decent amount of products. So hopefully she is and doing well. I definitely think that yes it helps to be multi-channel. And I think you know she’s saying try paid ads or add paid ads. I feel like it’s very difficult to make any headway without paid ads. It’s almost a prerequisite, not a nice to have. Especially when you’re starting in the early stages. But even as you establish a brand you have to keep investing and getting traffic to the site to get conversions. And the first thing she said find your niche. I think that is the key, right? You can’t sell all things for all people. And if you sell a kitchen gadget, and an outdoor product, and some clothing, you never gonna really narrow in on what’s gonna work best for you and build your own brand and develop your own customer base. Which I think is the key to success as a smaller business is have a very specific set of customers that you understand very well. And target them specifically. And don’t worry about everybody else. Just narrow it down to a very specific focus of people who are going to be the best fit for your products. And you can build a relationship with. And you can sell more than once too. It’s very hard to make up much money selling one person one thing one time ever and never seeing them again. You spend all that money to get them to your website to find you, to agree to spend money with you, and get something from you. The best thing you can do is continue to nurture that engagement. And offer them more things. And get them to buy again. It’s going to be a much lower cost for you to continue to market to the same people instead of constantly finding new people. And that’s what’s gonna allow you to generate more profit than always having one-off sales and trying to make it on that one sale. That is much harder to do. It can be done. But it takes a lot more volume, and it takes a lot more work, and a lot more risk than if you develop a community and continuously sell other things to that same community. So I think she’s got the right idea. And hopefully, the rest of her advice and content is good as well. But what you put in that little video I think was all stuff that I would agree with.