Categories: Law Office Tips

How to Explain Legal Jargon to Clients

Legal jargon, often referred to as legalese, can be confusing and overwhelming for clients who are not familiar with the intricacies of the law. Because of this, the use of plain language has gained significant recognition and importance in recent years.

As a legal professional, it is your responsibility to effectively communicate with your clients and ensure they understand the legal processes and terminology involved in their cases. In this article, we will explore practical strategies and techniques to explain legal jargon to clients clearly and understandably.

The importance of plain language in the legal industry

In the legal profession, the ability to convey information clearly and effectively is paramount. However, traditional legal writing often relies on dense, complex language that can hinder understanding and accessibility. Plain language, on the other hand, aims to simplify confusing legal concepts and make information more accessible to a broader audience.

One of the primary reasons for using plain language is to widen the scope of communication to individuals from various backgrounds and education levels. Convoluted sentence structures can create barriers for people who are not familiar with legal jargon, hence the strong recommendation of using plain language to bridge gaps in relaying information.

Legal professionals rely on specific language to draft contracts and eliminate the possibility of misinterpretation. The use of technical terms and complex sentence structures are intended to provide explicit meaning and establish legal certainty.

While legal jargon does serve a clear purpose for attorneys, it’s important to know when and how to communicate the terminologies that are often used in the legal industry.

Explaining legal jargon to clients

Many attorneys exert various efforts to simplify legal jargon. These steps involve using everyday language, avoiding unfamiliar terms, and presenting information in a well-structured format that enhances comprehension. To achieve this, you’ll need to adhere to the following:

Step 1: Emphasis on clear communication

Clear communication is the foundation of any successful attorney-client relationship. It is crucial to recognize that most clients do not have a legal background, and the jargon commonly used in legal documents can be overwhelming to them. By explaining legal concepts and terms in plain language, you can empower your clients and foster a better understanding of their cases.

Step 2: Breaking down complex terminology

When explaining legal jargon to clients, it is important to break down complex terminology into simpler terms that they can comprehend. Start by identifying the key terms relevant to their case and explain them using everyday language. Avoid using technical terms unless necessary, and always check for understanding by asking clients to paraphrase the information you provided.

Step 3: Use of analogies to simplify meaning

Analogies and metaphors can be powerful tools for simplifying complex legal concepts. By relating legal terms to familiar situations or objects, you can enhance clients’ understanding and make the information more relatable. For example, when explaining the burden of proof, you could compare it to a baseball game where the prosecutor has to prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, just like a batter needs to hit a home run to score a point.

Step 4: Provide examples for reference

Using real-life examples can make legal jargon more tangible and accessible to clients. Sharing stories or cases that resemble their situation can help them relate to the legal concepts being discussed. These examples provide context and illustrate how the law applies in practical scenarios, making it easier for clients to grasp the implications of the jargon in their specific case.

Step 5: Rely on visual cues

Visual aids such as diagrams, flowcharts, or infographics can be highly effective in explaining complex legal processes or hierarchies. Visual representations can help clients visualize the steps involved, the relationships between different legal entities, or the progression of a case. Supplementing verbal explanations with visual aids can enhance comprehension and retention of information.

Step 6: Share knowledge with clients

Educating clients about the legal system and their rights is an essential aspect of explaining legal jargon. Take the time to provide them with general information about relevant laws and regulations, outlining their rights and responsibilities. This knowledge empowers clients to actively participate in the decision-making process and fosters a sense of ownership over their case.

Step 7: Ask for feedback and suggestions

Creating an open and welcoming environment where clients feel comfortable asking questions is crucial. Encourage them to seek clarification whenever they encounter unfamiliar terminology or concepts. Actively listen to their concerns and provide thorough explanations. By addressing their questions and concerns, you can build trust and strengthen the attorney-client relationship.

Step 8: Practice active listening

When explaining legal jargon, practice active listening and demonstrate patience. Be attentive to your client’s reactions and body language, and adjust your communication style accordingly. Show empathy and understanding, acknowledging the challenges they may face in comprehending complex legal matters. Patience and attentiveness will contribute to a more productive and fruitful conversation.

Step 9: Obtain client trust

Establishing a strong attorney-client relationship is essential for effective communication. Foster an environment of trust and respect by maintaining open lines of communication. Regularly update clients on the progress of their cases and explain any legal developments clearly and concisely. When clients feel valued and heard, they are more likely to actively engage in the legal process.

Step 10: Strive for improvement

To continuously improve your communication skills, seek feedback from your clients. Ask them about their experience and if they felt comfortable with the explanations provided. This feedback can provide valuable insights into areas where you can enhance your clarity and effectiveness in explaining legal jargon.


In conclusion, effectively explaining legal jargon to clients requires clear and concise communication. By breaking down complex terminology, using analogies and metaphors, providing real-life examples, utilizing visual aids, empowering clients with knowledge, encouraging questions and feedback, practicing active listening, and building a strong attorney-client relationship, you can bridge the gap between legal language and client comprehension. Remember that a well-informed client is better equipped to make informed decisions and actively participate in their legal proceedings.  

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Arvin Faustino

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