Understanding Risk and How it Relates to Your Business

Lots of people will tell you that entrepreneurs are risk takers. That isn’t actually true. Most of the entrepreneurs I know would rather avoid risk. What they want to do is maximize their success by jumping into sure things that other people haven’t discovered yet. They use their inside knowledge or insight to make a…

Business Startup Question- Do What You Love or Do What You Know? I’ve Got the Answer!

This is a frequent topic of conversation among people considering entrepreneurial ventures- is it better to do what you know or do what you love? My response is that it is usually best to do what you know in a way that you can love. For me, I love working with entrepreneurs and hearing about…

How to Get Your QuickBooks Balances Right Every Time

Reconciling is the process of matching your transactions in QuickBooks with a source document- usually a bank or credit card statement. This simple function is the way you make sure the balances you are seeing in your books actually match with reality. The longer you go without reconciling the more likely it is the books…