ET-3 Most Common Startup Questions w/Jeff Stoller

You Need More Than Just A Great Idea! Today’s episode is with a very accomplished gentleman named Jeff Stoller. Jeff has quite the entrepreneurial resume. He was the President of Stoller & Associates, a firm that consulted and created business plans for a wide array of companies from start-ups to major corporations. He also ran…

ET-2 Winning Through Amazing Customer Service w/Adam Toporek

Service Can Be Your Differentiator No Matter What Size Your Business Adam and I have one key thing in common- we both think that amazing customer service is one of the key ingredients to having a very successful small business. He believes it so much he wrote a book and has a business centered around…

The Importance of Proper Office Design and Organization on Employees’ Output

Everyone who has ever worked in a company that has more than one employee knows how important human relations are for creating a healthy and productive working environment. And it is human relations that have been considered as the most important factor for business success. However, the latest studies showed that almost 90 percent of…

Why the “Aha Moment” in Entrepreneurship May be Overrated and What to Look for Instead

If you spend any time at all reading about or researching entrepreneurs you will very soon come across people discussing the “Aha! moment”. This is usually synonymous visually with the light bulb going off over someone’s head (do a google image search for good idea and see what happens). In person it’s a look on…

A $100 Billion Idea, Yours for the Taking: Uber-ized Driverless Electric Cars!

I had written a post earlier about how sometimes entrepreneurs shoot themselves in the foot by not discussing their ideas in order to validate the demand and market and competition, etc. The reality is the idea is usually 1% or less of the value of the total- the rest is execution. Here’s a perfect example….

Four Reasons Your Company NEEDS to Stay in Good Standing

Congratulations! You’ve had your business for almost a year (maybe more!) and the roller coaster ride has been exciting, challenging and rewarding. With all of the effort you put into working on and in your business, it’s important you maintain your company’s good standing status in the state (jurisdiction) of creation and/or the states where…

The Ultra Common Startup Fear That Kills Businesses (and How to Overcome It)

Not talking about your startup idea with people who can help you is worse than taking the risk of someone stealing it. Don’t believe it? Well, keep reading and find out why. Here’s what happens when you talk about your idea: People give you ideas on how to improve it You find out where people…