What Issues Do Companies Actually Have with Quite Quitting?

What Issues Do Companies Actually Have with Quite Quitting?

Quite quitting has been discussed for a while now with a new generation coming into the workforce. In this video, Matt shares his thoughts on quiet quitting but also the problems with having too many meetings. There are tons of people out on social media giving business advice. Some of it is good advice, but…

Business for Sale, Would I Buy It? | Waterfront Tiki Bar and Restaurant

Business for Sale, Would I Buy It? | Waterfront Tiki Bar and Restaurant

In today’s series of “Would I Buy This Business”, we’ve got an established waterfront restaurant with a Tiki bar. I have actually owned restaurants and I have a lot of restaurant experience in the past. The first thing I would tell you about owning a restaurant is it’s a ton of work. You’re running a food…