I had written a post earlier about how sometimes entrepreneurs shoot themselves in the foot by not discussing their ideas in order to validate the demand and market and competition, etc.
The reality is the idea is usually 1% or less of the value of the total- the rest is execution.
Here’s a perfect example. I was talking with a friend and somehow got onto the topic of Uber and electric cars and then driverless cars.
After thinking about it for less than two minutes, we jointly decided this was a fantastic hundred billion plus dollar business concept.
These are the advantages of having our transportation system largely converted to on demand electric cars that drive themselves:
You can probably think of more. We didn’t even get into having freight trucks built using the same type of system. Or UPS/FedEx delivery vans using the system. Or the USPS. And so on.
The idea is not the issue here. It is big enough to be attractive to venture capital and certainly big enough to create one of the largest companies in the world (or several) who can be the ones to enter and succeed in the market.
The challenge is the execution. You will have to overcome huge hurdles to pull this off:
And I’m sure these are just the tip of the iceberg.
That said, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this happens in my lifetime and becomes the defacto method of getting around. Carbon fuels are running out and there are simply too many people to give everyone their own car indefinitely- you can only widen roads and freeways so much.
This solution makes sense and will be huge for someone, somewhere in the not too distant future. They will just need to pull it off. Which is where all the real work starts.
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