Usually the question comes while the business owner is pointing to a stack of old boxes filled with T-shirts that say “Have a Great Summer-2008” or chipped and broken coffee cups with the old phone number on them or the stack of Frisbees that have “Smith & Son” on them but the son has since moved out of town…
Well, you can’t “write them off” in your bookkeeping because they were already an expense when you bought them in the first place.
But you can avoid wasting your time and money on promotional items that don’t really help you market your business.
Promotional items can be a nice way to get your name out or keep in front of clients who may want to use your services again, but that only applies if the item makes sense for your business and fits with your goal.
Many people get the same old items: pens, coffee mugs, t-shirts, mouse pads as everyone else but don’t really think through what they are trying to achieve or who they are giving these things to in the first place.
I came up with some general ideas that I use to guide myself when investing in this type of marketing.
If you have any more ideas, by all means post them in the comments section!
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