
Don't Get Eaten Alive!

Shark Tank Consulting from a Capital Raising Pro

Our Last Client Closed The Deal- Will You? Learn How to Answer the Questions and Present Like a Confident Winner to Get Your Own Offer from the Sharks!

Our Client Wendy Colson Got an Offer from the Sharks!

Wendy spent time with us going over all the questions and preparing answers, along with her financials, company valuation, business direction and more prior to her taping with the sharks. And it worked- she got an offer from the Sharks!

7 Reasons Our Shark Tank Consulting Is Going To Make the Difference for You:

  • 1

    We Know The Right Answers to Everything They Are Going to Ask You!

    We've been working with startups and small businesses seeking investors for a long time- since 1999- long before the Sharks were around. The process is the same and the presentation is the same. You only get one shot, so you don't want to be trying to learn it on the spot!

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    It's Also a TV Show!

    Unlike a normal investor pitch, you also have to keep in mind this is a TV show- you want to make sure you've got the angle to make it work for TV so you get your chance in the first place. If there's a way to spin it that works better for TV we'll help you find it.

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    We'll Help Make Sure You Know Your Numbers Cold!

    Having the key numbers at your fingertips is critical and not knowing has sunk plenty of people on and off camera. We'll review them all with you and make sure they aren't going to let you down.

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    We'll Make Sure You Know Your Audience!

    Part of doing a great pitch is speaking the language your audience wants to hear. We'll help you make sure you are perfectly in tune and that you know what things are going to push the right buttons with which Sharks so you can connect early and often!

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    We'll Cover the Business Fundamentals You Must Have to Generate Excitement!

    There are certain things about any business that get investors excited, and other things that quickly turn them off. We'll make sure you've packed your presentation with nothing but the good stuff.

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    It's Not Just For Sharks!

    While everything we cover with you is going to be with the goal of getting a deal from the Sharks, they are not the only game in town! We strongly recommend using the same facts and presentation to seek out other funding as well and we can help you figure out who and when to approach other investors. It's always easier to negotiate a great deal when you have options!

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    It's Not Just for Investors, Either!

    Investors get excited about a great business because it's a great business! If you can take this and make your business great you may realize you don't need investors, or not as much as you thought or at least get way more bang for each buck. We can help you craft a great business out of what you've got regardless of the final outcome of the TV show.

Expertise, Service & Value The CapForge team has become an incredible asset to our quickly growing business. I had interviewed a number of firms prior to choosing CapForge because of their high level of skill, service, and availability to answer my questions. I highly recommend their services.


Who Is CapForge?

My name is Matt Remuzzi and I am the owner of CapForge. I have an MBA with an emphasis in Entrepreneurship. My primary business is helping small business owners with their bookkeeping and accounting. Most importantly, I have over 20 years of small business experience and have worked with thousands of business owners over the years including tons who were working on raising capital, working with investors and in startup or high growth mode. I look forward to working with you as well and helping you get the most from your business!

So, Are You Ready to Nail Your Date with the Sharks??

Space is extremely limited. Please submit your email for more info and an application for our consulting package. Information includes pricing and available dates.

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  • In Depth Review of Your Business Model
  • In Depth Review of Your Financials, Historical and Projected
  • Review of Your Expected Valuation
  • Review of The 100 Most Common Questions and Best Case Answers
  • Discussion of Challenge Questions Specific to Your Exact Business
  • Review of Your Expansion Plans and Use of Proceeds
  • Review of Your Competitive Advantage and Market Analysis

Want To Work With Us? Have Questions?

Not sure if this is the right fit for you? Never worked with a bookkeeper who didn’t come and sit in the office? Do you have some other situation that doesn’t quite fit the “norm”? No problem! Give us a call. The consultation is always free. We look forward to working with you!