Top 10 Shopify Plugins That Your Store Needs

Top 10 Shopify Plugins That Your Store Needs

Thanks to its intuitiveness and ease of use, many e-commerce sellers use Shopify as their platform of choice. Not only that, but it boasts plenty of tools that help improve your store’s functionality. These tools are known as Shopify plugins, and using the right ones can lead to better sales, improved customer engagement, and more…

How to Get Reviews With Amazon Vine Program

How to Get Reviews With Amazon Vine Program

If you want your product to succeed on a highly competitive platform like Amazon, you need to acquire genuine reviews. How do you achieve this? By joining Amazon’s Vine Program. The Amazon Vine Program provides sellers and customers with honest and unbiased product reviews. It’s a great way to build feedback from your listings and…

An Introduction to Amazon Brand Registry

An Introduction to Amazon Brand Registry

E-commerce sellers know that Amazon is a competitive marketplace. Due to the influx of sellers on the platform, trademark infringement has become rampant. We all know how counterfeit products can harm your brand’s reputation, and it’s for this reason the Amazon Brand Registry Program exists. Amazon Brand Registry provides sellers with everything they need to…